Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 IS HERE

Curly (front) and his new friend, Stitch, woke up to a bright, sunshiny very cold New Years day at "Camping on the Gulf"
in Destin, FL We just came from a New Year's Day, pot luck dinner here in the park.
The rest of the day will be spent doing last minute packing up to pull out early in the morning to head west to Brownsville, TX to meet three others to begin our three month adventure in Mexico. This is the beginning of a 19,000 mile eight month trip, returning to MD the end of August.
"Camping on the Gulf" is the only RV park on the panhandle of Florida where you can camp right by the beach. The owners, workers and the people staying here were all great. Christmas, New Years and breakfast meals were very good.
The campsites are much too close together to the point where we could not put out the awning on one side and our slide overhung the patio of our neighbor. The weather for a month left a lot to be desired, I don't think we had two nice days in a row for the month. Much, much colder than expected and high winds most of the time and usually cold. It would probably be very nice here in the spring and fall. I would guess it would be very hot in the summer.